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A program for summarising CpG methylation patterns

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This program summarises the resultant DNA methylation pattern data from the output of Bismark bismark_methylation_extractor. Information of the DNA methylation positions for each amplicon, DNA methylation patterns observed within each amplicon and their abundance counts are summarised into a tab delimited text file amenable for further downstream statistical analysis and visualization.



Methpat currently requires version 2.7 of Python.

The best way to install Methpat is to use the following command:

pip install git+

This will automatically download and install the dependencies of methpat.


usage: methpat [-h] [--version] [--count_thresh THRESH] --amplicons
               AMPLICONS_FILE [--logfile FILENAME] [--html FILENAME]
               [--webassets {package,local,online}] [--title TITLE]
               [--filterpartial] [--min_cpg_percent PERCENT]

Summarise methylation patterns in bismark output, and generate visualisation.

positional arguments:
  BISMARK_FILE          input bismark file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --count_thresh THRESH
                        only display methylation patterns with at least THRESH
                        number of matching reads, defaults to "0"
  --amplicons AMPLICONS_FILE
                        file containing amplicon information in TSV format
  --logfile FILENAME    log progress in FILENAME, defaults to "methpat.log"
  --html FILENAME       save visualisation in html FILENAME defaults to
  --webassets {package,local,online}
                        location of assets used by output visualisation web
                        page, defaults to "package"
  --title TITLE         title of the output visualisation page, defaults to
                        "Methylation Patterns"
  --filterpartial       Ignore reads which contain (at least one) unknown
                        methylation status
  --min_cpg_percent PERCENT
                        only consider CPG sites which occur at least PERCENT
                        of reads for an amplicon

Explanation of command line arguments

Input amplicons file format

The amplicons (or regions of interest) are defined by this tab-delimited text file. The order of regions listed in this file will correspond to the order of display in the html file generated. The file requires 7 columns which define:

  1. chromosome
  2. start coordinate of amplicon/region of interest
  3. end coordinate of amplicon/region of interest
  4. name of amplicon/region of interest
  5. size of amplicon/region of interest
  6. length of forward PCR primer of amplicon/region of interest, number of base pairs to ignore from the start
  7. length of reverse PCR primer of amplicon/region of interest, number of base pairs to ignore from the end

See the file examples/example_amplicons.txt for an example input amplicons file, which is used in the worked example below.

Worked example

Run Bismark as per instructions to prepare the reference genome as outlined in the bismark manual.

Run Bismark to align raw read files (fastq) as below with no mismatches:

bismark -n 0 -q -o <nameOfOutPutDirectory> --bam --ambiguous --chunkmbs 10204 --non_directional /path/to/reference/genome <fastq.file>

Run bismark methylation extractor to create an output text file containing read DNA methylation pattern information:

bismark_methylation_extractor -s <bismarkAlignedFileName.bam>

This creates a series of text files prefixed with the methylation orientation and reference genome strand data was extracted from. For the purposes here, the files prefixed with CpG are then processed with methpat.

For each bismark output file with a bismark.txt suffix, run the following command to generate the methpat output. The example below uses the data files in the examples directory of the methpat source package:

methpat --amplicons example_amplicons.txt example1_bismark.txt > example_methpat.tsv

The above example generates three output files:

  1. example_methpat.tsv: summarises the read count and DNA methylation pattern information for all amplicons/regions of interest listed in the amplicons file.
  2. methpat.log: log information about the progress of the methpat program (useful for debugging purposes if things don't work as you expect, also records the command line that was used just in case you want to run the exact same command again).
  3. methpat.html: interactive HTML visualisation of the methylation patterns for each amplicon/region of interest. This is best viewed in Chrome, Firefox and Safari (but not Internet Explorer).

See the file examples/methpat.html which contains the visualisation of the above worked example.

Format of the methylation pattern counts output text file

One of the main outputs of methpat is a tab-delimited text file which summarises the counts for each methylation pattern over all amplicons from the input. In the example above this output file is called example_methpat.tsv. The file has seven columns containing the following information:

  1. amplicon ID: the identifier of an amplicon from the input amplicons file.
  2. chr: the chromosome containing the amplicon
  3. Base position start/CpG start: the coordinate of the first CpG site in the amplicon.
  4. Base position end/CpG end: the coordinate of the last CpG site in the amplicon.
  5. Methylation pattern: an encoding of the methylation state of each CpG site in the amplicon. The code "1" means that the site is methylated. The code "0" means the site is unmethylated. The code "-" means that the methylation state of the site is unknown. An example is "11-011-0-" for an amplicon with nine CpG sites, four of which are methylated, three are unmethylated and two are unknown.
  6. count: the number of times this particular methylation pattern for the amplicon is seen in the Bismark file.
  7. raw cpg sites: the methylation state of each CpG site for this pattern. It is a list of comma-separated pairs in the form "(CpG coordinate, methylation state)". Coordinates with unknown methylation state are not shown in the list.

See the file examples/methpat.tsv which contains the methylation counts from the above worked example.


Methpat outputs a HTML visualisation of the methylation patterns for each amplicon in the input. By default the file is called methpat.html but you can override this with another name using the --html command line argument.

You can view the visualisation in a web browser (though it is probably best to use Chrome, Firefox or Safari instead of Microsoft Explorer).

Each amplicon in the input appears in the visualisation. The order of the amplicons in the visualisation is the same as the input file. You can dynamically re-order the amplicons from within the Order tab at the top of the page.

A screenshot is shown below for the DAPK1_p1_106 amplicon from the worked example. The red letters are annotations which have been added for the purpose of this document, they are referred to in the explanation below the image.

Screen grab of part of the methpat visualisation for the worked example

The main part of the visualisation (A) shows all the methylation patterns for the amplicon. Each pattern is displayed as a vertical column of coloured boxes. By default a yellow box indicates a methylated CpG site, a red box indicates an unmethylated CpG site, and a blue box indicates a CpG site whose methylation state is unknown. By default the patterns are sorted left-to-right in order of frequency of occurrence. The columns are sequentially numbered. The numbers are merely ordinals that can be used to refer to columns, which can be useful when discussing a diagram within a manuscript. In the image above the most frequent pattern is methylated in all CpG sites (all boxes are yellow in column number 1).

The coordinates of each CpG site are listed on the left side of the digram (C), and they are shown in ascending order from top-to-bottom.

A frequency histogram of each pattern is shown as a bar chart below the patterns (B). By default the vertical axis of the graph shows raw read counts for each pattern, however this can be changed to a percentage of total reads. The vertical scale is linear by default but it can be changed to log scale.

The proportion of methylated, unmethylated and unknown methylation for each CpG site across all reads for a given amplicon are shown in coloured rectangles to the left of the patterns (D). In the image above the first CpG site (90112806) is predominantly methylated (mostly yellow), with a small amount of unmethylated sites (red).

The green button at the bottom of the diagram (E) allows you to save a copy of the diagram to file in PNG format to your local computer. By default the saved file will be named after the amplicon with a ".png" suffix. The scale of the PNG file defaults to 1 (same size in pixels as the web page rendering) but this can be increased for larger output images and increased resolution. You may want to set this number higher if you wish to use the PNG files in a publication (downscale the higher-resolution files).

Many aspects of the visualisation can be changed in the "Settings" tab. A screen shot of the settings tab is shown below:

Screen grab of part of the methpat visualisation settings

If you change any of the visualisation settings the methylation patterns in the Graphs tab will re-draw automatically when that tab is displayed.

The setting options are described below:

The relative order of the amplicons in the Graphs tab can be changed dynamically from within the Order tab. The image below shows an example for one set of amplicons. The order of the amplicon names in the list reflects the order that their methylation pattern visualisations will be shown. You can drag the amplicon names in the list to modify their ordering.

Screen grab of part of the methpat amplicon re-ordering tab

The image below illustrates the effect of showing methylation site spacing in the visualisation. Vertical spacing between the rows of the visualisation reflects the relative genomic spacing of the sites.

Screen grab of part of the methpat visualisation showing relative CpG site spacing