
Detect and annotate outliers in numerical columns based on the interquartile range. This method is often called Tukey’s Fences.

Considering all the numerical values in a particular column we can calculate:

  • Q1 = the first quartile

  • Q3 = the third quartile

  • IQR = the interquartile range (Q3 - Q1)

Given some scaling factor S (typically 1.5), a data point x is considered an outlier if either:

  • x < (Q1 - S*IQR), or

  • x > (Q3 + S*IQR)

Note that the outlier command does not remove data from the dataset. Instead, it adds an extra boolean column that indicate whether the value in the corresponding column is an outlier according to the definition above. This allows flexibility in how outliers are subsequently handled.

Multiple columns can be tested for outliers in the same command.


gurita outlier [-h] [-c NAME [NAME ...]] [--suffix SUFFIX] [--iqrscale S]





  • -h

  • --help

display help for this command


  • -c COLUMN [COLUMN...]

  • --col COLUMN [COLUMN...]

determine outliers in specified numerical columns

outlier columns

--suffix SUFFIX

choose a column name suffix for new outlier columns (default: outlier)

new column name suffix

--iqrscale S

scale factor for determining outliers (default: 1.5)

scale factor

See also

Box plots also employ the concept of Tukey’s fences for determining outlier values.

Z-scores can be used to normalise data based on how many standard deviations it is from the mean. This can also be used as a method for identifying outliers.

Simple example

The following command determines outliers in the sepal_width column in the iris.csv dataset:

gurita outlier -c sepal_width < iris.csv

The output is quite long so we can adjust the command to look at only the first few rows using the head command:

gurita outlier -c sepal_width + head < iris.csv

The output of the above command is as follows:


A new boolean column called sepal_width_outlier is added to the dataset, indicating whether the value in the specified column is an outlier. This will be True if it is an outlier and False otherwise.

Getting help

The full set of command line arguments for outlier can be obtained with the -h or --help arguments:

gurita outlier -h

Determine outliers in specified numerical columns

-c NAME [NAME ...], --col NAME [NAME ...]

By default, if no column names are specified, outliers will be detected in all of the numerical columns in the dataset, one at a time.

For example, the following command detects outliers in each of the numerical columns in the iris.csv dataset separately (these are: sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width).

gurita outlier < iris.csv

Sometimes it is useful to specify a subset of columns in which to detect outliers. This can be achieved with the -c/--col argument.

In the following example outliers are detected in only the sepal_length and petal_width columns:

gurita outlier -c sepal_length petal_width < iris.csv

By chaining this command with head we can inspect the first few rows of the output:

gurita outlier -c sepal_length petal_width + head < iris.csv

The output of the above command is as follows:


Two new boolean columns called sepal_length_outlier and petal_width_outlier are added to the dataset to flag which rows contain outliers for the corresponding input columns.


Non-numeric columns will be ignored by outlier even if they are specified as arguments to -c/--col.

Choose a column name suffix for new outlier columns

--suffix SUFFIX

The outlier command adds extra boolean columns to the dataset to flag which rows contain outlier values for the corresponding input columns.

The names of these extra columns are constructed by adding the suffix outlier on to the end of the input column names, separated by an underscore. This can be changed with the --suffix argument.

The following command specifies that out should be used as the suffix for the newly added columns:

gurita outlier --suffix out < iris.csv

By chaining this command with head we can inspect the first few rows of the output:

gurita outlier --suffix out + head < iris.csv

The output of the above command is as follows:


Scale factor for determining outliers

--iqrscale S

As noted earlier, given quartiles Q1 and Q3 and some scaling factor S, a data point x is considered an outlier if either:

  • x < (Q1 - S*IQR), or

  • x > (Q3 + S*IQR)

By default the scaling factor S is equal to 1.5, however this can be changed with the --iqrscale argument.

Setting the scaling factor higher means that values must be more extreme before being considered outliers. Setting it lower has the opposite effect.

The following command specifies a scaling factor of 3:

gurita outlier --iqrscale 3 < iris.csv

The more stringent scaling factor of 3 produces fewer outlier values than the default setting of 1.5.