
A scatter plot with a fitted linear model (linear regression).


gurita lmplot [-h] [-x COLUMN] [-y COLUMN] ... other arguments ...






display help


  • -x COLUMN

  • --xaxis COLUMN

select column for the X axis

X axis

  • -y COLUMN

  • --yaxis COLUMN

select column for the Y axis

Y axis

--hue COLUMN

group columns by hue


--hueorder VALUE [VALUE ...]

order of hue columns

hue order

--frow COLUMN

column to use for facet rows

facet rows

--fcol COLUMN

column to use for facet columns

facet columns

--fcolwrap INT

wrap the facet column at this width, to span multiple rows

facet wrap

See also

Lmplots are based on Seaborn’s lmplot library function.

Simple example

A lmplot showing the relationship between sepal_length and petal_length in the iris.csv data set:

gurita lmplot -x sepal_length -y petal_length < iris.csv

The output of the above command is written to lmplot.sepal_length.petal_length.png.

lmplot showing the relationship between sepal_length and petal_length in the iris.csv data set

Getting help

The full set of command line arguments for lmplots can be obtained with the -h or --help arguments:

gurita lmplot -h

Selecting columns to plot

-x COLUMN, --xaxis COLUMN
-y COLUMN, --yaxis COLUMN

The X and Y axes of an lmplot can be selected using -x (or --xaxis) and -y (or --yaxis).

Both axes in an lmplot must be numerical.

Grouping data points with hue

--hue COLUMN

The data points can be grouped by an additional numerical or categorical column with the --hue argument. A linear model will be fitted to each separate group of points.

In the following example the data points in an lmplot comparing sepal_length and petal_length are grouped by their corresponding categorical day value, and a linear model is fitted to both groups.

gurita lmplot -x sepal_length -y petal_length --hue species < iris.csv
lmplot comparing sepal_length and petal_length grouped by species with a linear model fitted to each group

For categorical hue groups, the order displayed in the legend is determined from their occurrence in the input data. This can be overridden with the --hueorder argument, which allows you to specify the exact ordering of the hue groups in the legend.


--frow COLUMN
--fcol COLUMN
--fcolwrap INT

Lmplots can be further divided into facets, generating a matrix of plots, where a numerical value is further categorised by up to 2 more categorical columns.

See the facet documentation for more information on this feature.

For example the following command produces an lmplot comparing sepal_length with petal_length, such that facet column is determined by the value of the species column.

gurita lmplot -x sepal_length -y petal_length --fcol species < iris.csv
lmplot comparing sepal_length and petal_length, with species determining the facet column