
Violin plots show the distribution of values in a numerical column optionally grouped by categorical columns.


gurita violin [-h] [-x COLUMN] [-y COLUMN] ... other arguments ...






display help


  • -x COLUMN

  • --xaxis COLUMN

select column for the X axis

X axis

  • -y COLUMN

  • --yaxis COLUMN

select column for the Y axis

Y axis

--orient {v,h}

Orientation of plot. Allowed values: v = vertical, h = horizontal. Default: v.


--order VALUE [VALUE ...]

controlling the order of the plotted violins


--hue COLUMN

colour and/or group columns by hue


--hueorder VALUE [VALUE ...]

order of hue columns

hue order


log scale X axis

log X axis


log scale Y axis

log Y axis


range limit X axis

limit X axis


range limit Y axis

limit Y axis

--frow COLUMN

column to use for facet rows

facet rows

--fcol COLUMN

column to use for facet columns

facet columns

--fcolwrap INT

wrap the facet column at this width, to span multiple rows

facet wrap

See also

Similar functionality to violin plots are provided by:

Violin plots are based on Seaborn’s catplot library function, using the kind="violin" option.

Simple example

Violin plot of the age numerical column from the titanic.csv input file:

gurita violin -y age < titanic.csv

The output of the above command is written to violin.age.png:

Violin plot showing the distribution of age for the titanic data set

The plotted numerical column can be divided into groups based on a categorical column. In the following example the distribution of age is shown for each value in the class column:

gurita violin -y age -x class < titanic.csv

The output of the above command is written to violin.class.age.png:

Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set

Getting help

The full set of command line arguments for violin plots can be obtained with the -h or --help arguments:

gurita violin -h

Selecting columns to plot

-x COLUMN, --xaxis COLUMN
-y COLUMN, --yaxis COLUMN

Violin plots can be plotted for numerical columns and optionally grouped by categorical columns.

If no categorical column is specified, a single column violin plot will be generated showing the distribution of the numerical column.


By default the orientation of the violin plot is vertical. In this scenario the numerical column is specified by -y, and the (optional) categorical column is specified by -x.

However, the orientation of the violin plot can be made horizontal using the --orient h argument. In this case the sense of the X and Y axes are swapped from the default, and thus the numerical column is specified by -x, and the (optional) categorical column is specified by -y.

In the following example the distribution of age is shown for each value in the class column, where the boxes are plotted horizontally:

gurita violin -x age -y class --orient h < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set, shown horizontally

Controlling the order of the violins

--order VALUE [VALUE ...]

By default the order of the categorical columns displayed in the violin plot is determined from their occurrence in the input data. This can be overridden with the --order argument, which allows you to specify the exact ordering of columns based on their values.

In the following example the violin columns of the class column are displayed in the order of First, Second, Third:

gurita violin -y age -x class --order First Second Third < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set, shown in a specified order

Colour and/or group columns with hue

--hue COLUMN

Each violin can be coloured and optionally subdivided into additional categories with the --hue argument.

The following example generates a violin plot showing the distribution of the age of titanic passengers across the three different ticket classes, where each class is coloured differently:

gurita violin -y age -x class --hue class < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set, grouped by class and coloured by class

In the following example the distribution of age is shown for each value in the class column, and further sub-divided by the sex column:

gurita violin -y age -x class --hue sex < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set, grouped by class and sex

By default the order of the columns within each hue group is determined from their occurrence in the input data. This can be overridden with the --hueorder argument, which allows you to specify the exact ordering of columns within each hue group, based on their values.

In the following example the sex values are displayed in the order of female, male:

gurita violin -y age -x class --hue sex --hueorder female male < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set, grouped by class and sex, with the order of sex specified

It is also possible to use both --order and --hueorder in the same command. For example, the following command controls the order of both the class and sex categorical columns:

gurita violin -y age -x class --order First Second Third --hue sex --hueorder female male < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set, grouped by class and sex, with the order of class and sex specified

Log scale


The distribution of numerical values can be displayed in log (base 10) scale with --logx and --logy.

It only makes sense to log-scale the numerical axis (and not the categorical axis). Therefore, --logx should be used when numerical columns are selected with -x, and conversely, --logy should be used when numerical columns are selected with -y.

For example, you can display a log scale violin plot for the age column grouped by class (when the distribution of age is displayed on the Y axis) like so. Note carefully that the numerical data is displayed on the Y-axis (-y), therefore the --logy argument should be used to log-scale the numerical distribution:

gurita violin -y age -x class --logy < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set, with Y axis in log scale

Axis range limits

--xlim LOW HIGH
--ylim LOW HIGH

The range of displayed numerical distributions can be restricted with --xlim and --ylim. Each of these flags takes two numerical values as arguments that represent the lower and upper bounds of the range to be displayed.

It only makes sense to range-limit the numerical axis (and not the categorical axis). Therefore, --xlim should be used when numerical columns are selected with -x, and conversely, --ylim should be used when numerical columns are selected with -y.

For example, you can display range-limited range for the age column grouped by class (when the distribution of age is displayed on the Y axis) like so. Note carefully that the numerical data is displayed on the Y-axis (-y), therefore the --ylim argument should be used to range-limit the distribution:

gurita violin -y age -x class --ylim 10 30 < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the distribution of age for each class in the titanic data set, with Y axis in log scale


--frow COLUMN
--fcol COLUMN
--fcolwrap INT

Violin plots can be further divided into facets, generating a matrix of violin plots, where a numerical value is further categorised by up to 2 more categorical columns.

See the facet documentation for more information on this feature.

The following command creates a faceted violin plot where the sex column is used to determine the facet columns:

gurita violin -y age -x class --fcol sex < titanic.csv
Violin plot showing the mean of age for each class in the titanic data set grouped by class, using sex to determine the plot facets